Corruption of Blood Wrote:
> Professor Pangloss Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yeah, I'd respond the same way - his 'drunk
> > driving' is a part of his personality.
> > Compartmentalizing someone is being
> disingenuous.
> "Compartmentalizing someone is being
> disingenuous."
> Sez who? Miss Manners? The Ethicist? Freud?
Reason, that's 'who'. You aren't taking the entire person into account and you are only seeing what you want to see.
> Pretending that we cannot or do not
> "compartmentalize" our attitudes towards
> others is ridiculous. Robots might be programmed
> to behave in such an unnatural
> fashion; it's natural for human beings.
To an extent, as I believe I indicated. The point is that you cannot *hate* a portion of someone and pretend to love the rest. As I indicated you can, perhaps, dislike something or grudgingly approve of it, but not *hate* it. My rapist example points this out.
> For example, it has long been a matter of social
> convention to "compartmentalize"
> talk of politics and religion in social
> gatherings, as these topics are apt to
> trigger unpleasant and angry disputes. In so
> doing, we "compartmentalize" both
> ourselves and others, for the greater good of
> maintaining community.
> Of course, one is free to reject this, whether in
> society or personal relations.
> Thus for example, an atheist might conclude he can
> no longer maintain his
> friendship with a Christian whom he knows
> disagrees with his atheism. (Or
> vice-versa.)
> Some groups separate themselves from society
> because they cannot, or have no
> wish to "compartmentalize": certain Orthodox Jews,
> and the Amish, to name two
> prominent examples.
> Too, there are rigid personality-types who cannot
> abide inconsistency, and who
> would repudiate any friend who does an action they
> consider wrong.
> In sum, an anti-"compartmentalization" stance
> leads to separation, and in its
> more extreme forms has a whiff of fanaticism, eg,
> Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter."
This is largely a strawman against my position.
> > > First of all, black is not a behavior.
> >
> > Neither is sexual orientation.
> Sexual orientation is not like race.
It is in the sense that neither are a behavior.
> The outward signs of race, "such as skin color and
> hair texture -- are dictated
> by a handful of genes."
> oes-race-exist-overviewg
> This is not so in the case of homosexuality.
> According to the very pro-gay
> American Psychological Association, "There is no
> consensus among scientists
> about the exact reasons that an individual
> develops a heterosexual, bisexual,
> gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much
> research has examined the possible
> genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and
> cultural influences on sexual
> orientation, no findings have emerged that permit
> scientists to conclude that
> sexual orientation is determined by any particular
> factor or factors."
> df
This is not relevant. I'm not arguing that orientation is *exactly* like race. My comparison is that neither are 'choices'. Your link does not dispute this.
> From a sociological perspective, the history of
> black oppression and enslavement
> that gave rise to the Civil Rights movement is
> radically different than gay
> experience.
I'm not arguing that homosexuals were slaves.
> Unlike blacks, gays are more affluent and better
> educated than the general
> population.
> rce-report-more-companies-are-working-attract-gay-
> lesbian-customers.html
> They are not denied the right to vote, or forced
> to sit in the back of the bus,
> or denied service in restaurants, or beset by
> attack dogs when they march.
> There are a number of openly gay politicians
I'm not arguing that any of those *specific* things occur to homosexuals, although I would say they are being treated as second class citizens with regards to marriage and they have been subject to persecution based on their oreintation (matthew shepard).
You are erect a strawman, without actually *trying* to look at what I brought up.
> They may have their grievances, but in 2010 gays
> are quite simply not an
> oppressed minority in any sense comparable to the
> experience of blacks in the
> pre-Civil Rights era.
With the exception of marriage, you mean, right?
> > You don't like the comparison because it hits
> too
> > close to home.
> > That's not my problem.
> Your comparison rests on a false analogy. That's
> the problem.
Nonsense, my comparison was meant to point out that orientation was not a behavior or choice - you erect an elaborate strawman to distract from this fact.
> > Which is, of course, absurd, since orientation
> is
> > not a behavior.
> If it was only a question of orientation and not
> behavior, there would be no
> issue in the real world (eg, laws, court cases,
> relations between friends).
Non sequitur.
> Your attempt to cabin the issue to orientation
> only, and not behavior, is
> specious.
Why, because you say so? That's not compelling.
> > You are, once again, compartmentalizing your
> > friends. If your friend was a rapist, would
> you
> > still 'love' your friend, while hating his
> 'raping
> > behavior'?
> > If your friend, family member, whatever, was a
> > child molester would you still love him/her the
> > same or would that 'behavior' sour your
> > relationship with them?
> > If you say it wouldn't, then I don't believe
> you.
> Once again, the only way you have to advance your
> argument is through false
> analogy, in this case comparing sociopathic acts
> of violence to to homosexual
> acts. The two are not analogous.
I'm reducing your argument to the absurd. I was not saying homosexuality is the same thing as a violent act. To suggest so is to argue deceptively.
My point is that when you take the clear example of something that is 'hated', most people would be influenced enough to drop the friendship.
My point is that while Christians say they 'hate the sin, love the sinner' they either aren't telling the truth or they truly do hate the sinner.
Remember, all sin is the same in the eyes of God, is it not?
Hence my analogy stands.
> > The fact is, you can't *honestly*
> compartmentalize
> > the way you are suggesting you can.
> And again I say it's human nature to
> "compartmentalize," and draconian not to,
> i.e, to take an all-or-nothing stance vis a vis
> one's friends and family.
Again, strawman.
I'm not suggesting that no compartimentalization occurs, I'm suggesting that the compartmentalization that *YOU* suggest is absurd.
You haven't rebutted this - you've simply ignored it or baselessly asserted that it's not analogous.
> > It's dishonest to pretend that one can 'hate
> the
> > sin' and love the sinner.
> Christianity is premised on the idea that all are
> sinners, and we're called to love all.
Nonsense - do you 'bring the sword' to those you love? Do you let those you love suffer for eternity in torment?
No, it's lip service. It's the same cognitive dissonance that suggests that you can simultaneously *hate* someone and *love* them.
> If it were impossible to draw a distinction
> between the sin and the sinner, we
> would be forced to hate everyone (including
> ourselves).
I wouldn't say *hate*, in this case, I would say that Christianity does teach that humans are fallen and it is only through God that we have any worth.
So, yes, I would say that Christians are commanded to view themselves as worthless. None can do any good apart from God, remember?
> This is an attitude, moreover, which is entrenched
> in American culture high and
> low; in Lincoln's second inaugural, and in films
> like "On the Waterfront,"
> "Raging Bull," and "Dead Man Walking," for
> example.
> It may be a difficult standard to live up - and
> doubtless not always is - but
> it is an admirable ideal, not impossible of
> achievement, and one I have
> experienced it in my own life, and in the lives of
> others.
> > You maybe able to 'not
> > prefer' the sin or 'accept' the sin and love
> the
> > sinner, but not 'hate'. To pretend otherwise
> is,
> > again, dishonest.
> This is a legitimate point.
> The phrase "love the sinner, hate the sin" is a
> somewhat facile slogan, and is
> not found in the Bible, although it does point
> toward a requirement for
> Christian behavior, as discussed in my prior
> post.
> As used in this phrase, I understand "hate" as
> meaning to firmly reject, as
> distinguished from "hate" in the sense of
> uncontrolled antipathy or aversion.
> Cf. discussion of New Testament use of the term
> "hate," where flat translation
> into English fails to capture the necessary Hebrew
> nuance.
> Too, as a matter of practice, I think Christians
> who live by this motto
> understand it in its proper sense, i.e., as a
> foundation for, rather than a
> repudiation of friendship -- with repudiation, I
> agree, hard to avoid if "hate"
> is understood as antipathy, rather than mere
> rejection or non-acceptance.
So it's a definitional difference then. Fine, if that's the way you feel. I'm not sure you can 'not accept' a friend though, but whatever.
I repudiate my friends for eating chocolate and peanut butter together, if this is the sense that you mean, then we have no issue.
> Thus the clear underlying teleogy of the motto
> preserves its proper sense, and
> obviates an unsound reading that would be, as you
> note, impossible of
> accomplishment.
No, you just shift the goal posts, dissolving the discussion. If you want to water it down to such a thing go right ahead.