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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Posted by: Dee Monaghan ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:05PM

I am in dire need for help. 14 yrs. ago I became romantically involved with Cris Breece. We became engaged. He purchased a house on 8018 Lake Pleasant Drive, Springfield, Va 22153. We both moved in after house closing. We BOTH have been living there for approx. 12 years. Mr. Breece NEVER once had me sign a contract, NEVER once asked me to pay for rent, NEVER once asked me to contribute to any household bills or food. However, when I was was employed.....I did contribute to paying for lawn care and food.

About 5 years ago our relationship discinagrated. Mr. Breece still paid for everything and once again NEVER asked me to pay for rent or sign any contract. I have been laid off but I am actively looking for employment.

Mr. Breece is now evicting me for not paying rent and wants me to pay for his legal fees. I HAVE NO MONEY, I CAN'T AFFORD AN ATTORNEY, I HAVE NO TRANSPORTATION. On March 15, 2013 we went to Fairfax County Court. I plead "I was contesting the eviction". Now on March 29,2013 we are having a hearing. I have NO IDEA what I am to do. I am BEGGING for someone help me. I am scared and I have no where else to turn.

The court case # is GV12004042

Dee Monaghan

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Huh? Wah? ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:15PM

Dee Monaghan Wrote:
> I am in dire need for help. 14 yrs. ago I became
> romantically involved with Cris Breece. We became
> engaged. He purchased a house on 8018 Lake
> Pleasant Drive, Springfield, Va 22153. We both
> moved in after house closing. We BOTH have been
> living there for approx. 12 years. Mr. Breece
> NEVER once had me sign a contract, NEVER once
> asked me to pay for rent, NEVER once asked me to
> contribute to any household bills or food.
> However, when I was was employed.....I did
> contribute to paying for lawn care and food.
> About 5 years ago our relationship discinagrated.
> Mr. Breece still paid for everything and once
> again NEVER asked me to pay for rent or sign any
> contract. I have been laid off but I am actively
> looking for employment.
> Mr. Breece is now evicting me for not paying rent
> and wants me to pay for his legal fees. I HAVE NO
> TRANSPORTATION. On March 15, 2013 we went to
> Fairfax County Court. I plead "I was contesting
> the eviction". Now on March 29,2013 we are having
> a hearing. I have NO IDEA what I am to do. I am
> BEGGING for someone help me. I am scared and I
> have no where else to turn.
> The court case # is GV12004042
> Sincerely,
> Dee Monaghan

I'm on his side and I hope you get screwed royally.

He should evict you and sue for back rent.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: DD Ramone ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:16PM

Hmmm.....You lived in a house for 14 years without paying ANYTHING...sounds like you have been pretty lucky.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: KvLhW ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:17PM

Could yo post a pic of yorself Dee?

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:22PM

The way I see it, you should be paying him for 14 years of back rent. If the deed is in his name and you have no lease......guess what honey? Youre gonna be giving blowjobs in the back seats of taxis!

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: more info ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:22PM

The TLC will help you. As for a home the bums have a few nice camps you can stay at free of charge (kinda). I guess somone did not save their money for 14 years.LMAO

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: LegalAid ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:25PM

First of all, you need to get yourself down to Legal Aid, like, yesterday. Too late for that, though.

No lease probably means that he's going to have some 'splanin' to do to the judge. Doubtful he can collect rent from you, but he sure can have you kicked out. But even if possession is awarded to him tomorrow (and if you cry a lot, the judge may continue the trial for a week or two to let you get counsel), he still has to have the "writ of eviction" issued (takes 10 days or so), and then have the sheriff schedule the eviction (another three weeks), and then have the actual eviction (probably a week or so after that).

Or you can file for bankruptcy. That stays any eviction. Not forever,but for a while.

Basically, you're getting out. Maybe not for a month or two, but you're cooked.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: so sad too bad ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:33PM

See kids, this is what happens when you are irresponsible. Take a look at dee. 30-40, no job or saving and thought the gravy boat would never run dry. Have no sympathy, it is a dog eat dog world.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: obligatory . ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:36PM

"MONAGHAN ","JANE ","H","043"," 8018","LAKE PLEASANT ","DR","SPRINGFIELD ","VA","07/09/2009","40-44MPH/25MPH ZONE "
"MONAGHAN ","JANE ","H","043"," 8018","LAKE PLEASANT ","DR","SPRINGFIELD ","VA","07/09/2009","DRIVE-OL RVKD/SUSP "

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:37PM

2009....shortly after the "romance" ended


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Re: Eviction
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:41PM

I must be jaded. Is OP a troll? Anybody that has read more than two threads on this blog know that you don't post full names and addresses.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2013 05:45PM by wnrsm.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Teh King ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:45PM

This is the fucking you get for the fucking you gave.

"The three enemies of the people are hegemony, monogamy, and monotony."-Terence McKenna

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: March 28, 2013 05:47PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> I must be jaded. Is OP a troll? Anybody that has
> read more than two threads on this blog know that
> you don't post full names and addresses.

I think its a fake or she's truely up shit creek and has lost her mind.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Rom Ulan ()
Date: March 28, 2013 06:01PM


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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Some Thoughts ()
Date: March 28, 2013 06:24PM

As noted, you need to talk to Legal Aid. Beyond that, you seem to have a number of issues.

First, I thought you might be able to assert some claims as a common law wife -but it looks like Virginia does not recognize common law marriage.

Second, you do not have nor have you ever had a lease with this guy - and you are not on the deed. If he claims you had a verbal agreement, that doesn't count. Real estate transactions need to be in writing. Therefore, you never owed rent and he can't claim that you did (although it could get sticky if you ever wrote him a check that said 'rent' on it).

Third, if you don't have a lease then you are his guest, not his renter. Until he asks you to leave and you don't - then you become a squatter. It would seem to me that he could just call the sheriff and ask to have you removed for trespassing.

Fourth, since he chose the more arduous route of eviction, this buys you some time. Probably not a lot, but at least a month. I AM NOT A LAWYER, but this would seem to be a case that you are destined to lose. And if you are deemed to be a squatter, you may be ordered to pay his legal fees.

This may be hard to hear, but since you are not this man's wife I don't think you have any legal recourse to stay in the property. You might consider trying to negotiate something informal with him that would allow you some time to get your act together and find a new job and a new place.

This must be a very difficult position to find yourself in at this stage of your life. Hopefully, you can learn and grow from the experience and move on to something better. In the interim, talk to someone in social services to see what options are available to you.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: yNDmh ()
Date: March 28, 2013 06:33PM

I smell a smear campaign

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: common law ()
Date: March 28, 2013 06:50PM

I am fairly sure that Virginia DOES recognize common law marriage. Get to legal aid office to find out for sure.

He might not be able to kick you out without paying major $$. Do not delay, and get good advice.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: dave r.. ()
Date: March 28, 2013 06:55PM

Better get out now. The Sheriff will come and toss your ass out on the street.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: SOL ()
Date: March 28, 2013 06:58PM

obligatory . Wrote:
> "MONAGHAN ","JANE ","H","043","
> ","VA","07/09/2009","40-44MPH/25MPH ZONE
> "
> "MONAGHAN ","JANE ","H","043","
> ","VA","07/09/2009","DRIVE-OL RVKD/SUSP
> "
> "MONAGHAN ","JANE ","H","043","
> ","VA","07/09/2009","NO REGIST'RN IN POSSESION
> "
> "MONAGHAN ","JANE ","H","043","
> ","VA","07/09/2009","OBSTRUCT JUSTICE W/O
> "MONAGHAN ","JANE ","H","043","
> ","VA","11/22/2009","FAIL TO APPEAR ON MISD CHARGE
> "

Looks like the OP gave the officer a fake name, because she had a suspended license and ended up having the ticket book thrown at her; she also failed to appear in court on said charges.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 28, 2013 07:24PM

All of her arrests stem from a single incident, including the FTA. Could well be that she ran into a deek cop who wanted to run up the score on what should have been a simple speeding/revoked license.

A judge can throw a little pity your way and give a stay or temporary delay of an eviction, but if you have been served with papers they are generally not so sympathetic.

Is this an unlawful detainer hearing?

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: GIVEIT ATRY ()
Date: March 28, 2013 07:37PM

You could just crawl into your neighbor's window @ 2:00am and get some sleep.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: March 28, 2013 09:06PM

I would seek an attorney for everything from Homesteading to Common law marriage. Your post covers both but I m not an attorney. We booted my wife's aunt after 1.5 years of no rent, she didn't have a leg to stand on.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 28, 2013 09:38PM

OP-Forget about Legal Aid. They have only limited staff, the demand for their services far exceeds their resources, and as a result they will only handle certain types of matters. Most likely they will refer you to the local bar so you might as well start out there.

My guess is that you have no defense to this action. This is Virginia and the difference between being legally married to someone and just living with them is still a big deal here. Also Virginia is not a "tenant friendly" state, at least in comparison with DC. Meeting with an attorney to at least discuss options would still be a good idea. I'm not sure whether you still have time at this stage, since it looks like the court already gave you one delay. Any decent attorney is likely to charge you for the meeting and for any subsequent work performed. This isn't a personal injury case where you can get an attorney on a contingent fee basis.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 28, 2013 10:31PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> OP-Forget about Legal Aid. They have only limited
> staff, the demand for their services far exceeds
> their resources, and as a result they will only
> handle certain types of matters. Most likely
> they will refer you to the local bar so you might
> as well start out there.
> My guess is that you have no defense to this
> action. This is Virginia and the difference
> between being legally married to someone and just
> living with them is still a big deal here. Also
> Virginia is not a "tenant friendly" state, at
> least in comparison with DC. Meeting with an
> attorney to at least discuss options would still
> be a good idea. I'm not sure whether you still
> have time at this stage, since it looks like the
> court already gave you one delay. Any decent
> attorney is likely to charge you for the meeting
> and for any subsequent work performed. This isn't
> a personal injury case where you can get an
> attorney on a contingent fee basis.

Bill is right, it's a waste of your energy when you should be thinking about moving. Lot's of guys with vans on Craigslist.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: welp ()
Date: March 28, 2013 11:59PM

Best I can do is some advice to survive (well really for anyone)....

If you have a job (even McDonalds) and can come up with $1500 before you actually get evicted, there's always a $1000 craigslist/wherever car that will pass inspection/emissions (and get a mechanic to check) and to sleep temporarily- the extended stay hotels way down south 95 or just get a shitty motel room for cheaper. Put your stuff in public storage or a friend's. Throw away the furniture you can always get a new couch.

(PROTIP-sneak in a single burner and a cooler if no fridge to save on food costs since you can cook! Live off dollar tree/aldis/bottom dollar food to save money. Who cares if your mac and cheese aint Kraft.)

Keep your gas tank full and keep going to work. Someone will take you in a shitty apartment as long as you keep working and saving, a paystub and $$$ (triple deposit) will do. If you have no job then I wish you luck finding one.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: legal aid ()
Date: March 29, 2013 12:13AM

Call legal aid and they will refer you to help or call a local law school for free advice.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: vvTYT ()
Date: March 29, 2013 01:47AM

So the relationship ended FIVE YEARS AGO and this guy has continued to let you live in HIS HOUSE free? Most self-respecting adults would have moved out within a few days, even if you had to sleep on a friend's couch. And if he wants you to pay his legal fees it sounds like he has initiated formal eviction proceedings. How long has he been telling you to get out before he went to court? I don't see how you could be a tenant if you've never paid rent. You're lucky he hasn't just thrown your stuff on the lawn and changed the locks. And it's really sleazy to post the guy's name and address; you think somebody's gonna come by and give you money, or what? You sound like you've had better luck than you deserve.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: March 29, 2013 05:46AM

(Assuming OP is not a fake troll)
The relationship ended five years ago, but the "benefits" ended just recently or a new benefits provider was found and the former provider is in the way.

Or maybe he just got sick of her shit and was too nice to get rid of her before now.

As always, we just got one side of the story and I bet it is quite incomplete - else we are led to believe that nothing has happened in the past five years.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Advice ()
Date: March 29, 2013 04:08PM

Without a lease, you have no obligation to pay him a penny.

Do get out to avoid an eviction.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: tkFun ()
Date: March 31, 2013 04:09PM

It is confusing that he is "evicting" you, because from what you have said, you were never a tenant. You were simply a guest in his house, and now he is telling you to leave. If you do not leave, he can have you removed by the police for trespassing.

Why doesn't he just change the locks and throw you out the door?

It sounds like he is confused at least as much as you.

Most important thing to understand: You have no recourse. Go find another boyfriend to live with, or else you'll be on the street.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: section 8 sharon. ()
Date: March 31, 2013 05:08PM

I would move into one of those county welfare luxury condos. They have ones with swimming pools, rec rooms, club houses and gyms. Does your current place have that?

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 31, 2013 10:17PM

If you check you will see the OP already went to court and lost.

section 8 sharon. Wrote:
> I would move into one of those county welfare
> luxury condos. They have ones with swimming pools,
> rec rooms, club houses and gyms. Does your current
> place have that?

All you have to do is meet the qualifications, wait 2-3 years for a slot to open up, then hope there is a landlord participating in the program who is offering one of those luxury condos for rent. Seriously, that has to be one of the most overdone misunderstood rants on this board.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: screw job ()
Date: April 01, 2013 12:01AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> All you have to do is meet the qualifications,
> wait 2-3 years for a slot to open up, then hope
> there is a landlord participating in the program
> who is offering one of those luxury condos for
> rent.

Isn't that a square kick in the nuts. How dare the government make someone wait 2-3 years to get a nice place like that paid for with other peoples money. Life just isn't fair Joe.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: April 01, 2013 12:45AM

1. What happened between the two of you to bring about this sudden eviction? I'm sure he didn't just wake up one day after 5 years and capriciously decide that day was going to be the last.

It's probably not pertinent to the legal matters in question (which other posters have already addressed), but I feel like I got half a story.

2. 12 years of no rent and you have absolutely no money ?! How ??

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Now and Then ()
Date: April 02, 2013 08:47AM

snowdenscold Wrote:
> 2. 12 years of no rent and you have absolutely no
> money ?! How ??

Lots of Shoes, Clothes, and Bags.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 02, 2013 11:07AM

Get a Paypal account set up Dee, we'll chip in and get you a bar of soap and put you on the Chinese bus to NYC.

Just in time for Spring!

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: gloriana ()
Date: April 02, 2013 11:12AM

Dee- VA does NOT recognize common law marriages.

Consider calling FairfaxCounty Social Services hotline. Get a social worker and at least get plugged into county-supported, faith-based and otherwise organizations that can help you with food, rent and counseling.

CALL 222-0880

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Now and Then ()
Date: April 02, 2013 11:14AM

Common Law Marriages in Virginia:

Common law marriages in Virginia are relationships where the parties hold themselves out as husband and wife, and under special circumstances, are deemed married without a ceremony or marriage license.

The state of Virginia does not allow for the creation of a common law marriage (common law marriages in Virginia are not recognized)—a formal relationship where a couple lives together without having to go through a lawful ceremony. Common law marriages in Virginia (common law marriage in VA) are not recognized nor administered by any institutions in the state. Unlike some other states in the U.S., Virginia couples—according to common law marriage in VA law--cannot acquire marital rights and responsibilities by maintaining the same residence for a particular period of time.

Although common law marriages in VA are not allowed to be created, the state will recognize common law marriages in other states. You will not need legal action to terminate such a relationship, if—and only if—it was created in Virginia.

As stated above, even though common law marriage in Virginia is not a real status, the state does not recognize—as valid—common law marriages created in other areas or states if the legal requirements of those states have been satisfied. Because of this, legal action—as suggested by common law marriage in VA--is required to dissolve common law marriages in Virginia that were created outside of the state, if the respective parties are looking to re-marry. Courts in Virginia are available for determining the rights of common law marriage couples now living the state. Therefore, if you receive a common law marriage in another state, it will be recognized—according to Virginia law—as a common law marriage in Virginia.

As long as a couple maintains the same residence and live as husband and wife—according to common law marriages in VA-- questions regarding validity of their marriage is unlikely to take place. That being said, for the purpose of inheritance and the division of assets, a valid marriage in Virginia is required under common law marriage in VA law.

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: April 02, 2013 12:24PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> (Assuming OP is not a fake troll)

HAS to be a fake troll post. No one is stupid enough to post this.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: booz ()
Date: August 07, 2014 04:44PM

if the bitch couldn't save in 14 years, I doubt she could do it now

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Re: Eviction
Posted by: Dead thread ()
Date: August 07, 2014 08:24PM

And then, five years later, nothing happened.

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