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Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: August 22, 2020 05:37PM

fairfax fred Wrote:
> Re-post for page change. Hudson Fairfax for Old
> Iron.

Thank you Fred, that was long time ago. 40+ years.

Old Iron

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ernest ()
Date: August 23, 2020 05:34AM

damien -

I understand about privacy. That's not me. Last name starts with a P. Grew up in the Villa. Just to name a few while @ Lanier hung around people like Gary Szabo, Bobby Kowalski, Leo McDermott, Steve Kearny & Jimmy Mowatt. Oakton would have been people Jamie McCarron, Randy Patrick, Joe Schmidlen, Robinson would be Russ Bouslog, Glenn Morin, Mike Wood, Tommy Hoffman, Dave & Jonty Elliot to name some.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: k6vdc ()
Date: August 23, 2020 09:56AM

damien Wrote:
> Some additional information:
> That aerial view of Fair Oaks and Random Hills
> area was provided to my mother by either Farifax
> County or PCA (Property Corporation of America).
> Not 100 percent sure it was PCA. Anyway, some
> inquiries
> were made to the residents for the further
> development of the Fair Oaks area. Random Hills
> built in the late 1950's, there were about 20 some
> single family homes. In the mid 1980's most of
> these families had children
> who graduated High School and College, no longer
> lived there with them.
> So my mother formed a neighborhood community to
> negotiate the offers made by PCA to buy the
> properties. So all the owners combined their land
> parcel sizes and settled for several million
> dollars, each owner
> getting a share of the total based Home values and
> land held.
> My user name is this forum is based on my middle
> name. When I went to Jermantown Elementary I
> recall looking out the school windows seeing them
> building route 66 westward.
> When our home was purchased in 1960, there was
> only gravel roads to access Route 50. No street
> lights, no Dulles Airport, no RT 66, no Beltway.
> There were bobcats, raccoons, possums, owls, as
> well as other natural critters.
> There was a couple of farms on Ridge Top road.
> One belonged to the Bellard family, which had a
> barn with horses and acres for them to feed on the
> grass., Used to feed them apples and carrots with
> their son Paul supervising.
> You could see the stars at night, fire flys would
> come out during the summer in droves. 90 percent
> wooded areas in Random Hills, air as fresh as it
> could get. What a paradise to grow up in.
> We had no central AC until 1968, so in the
> summers, windows were left open and it could get
> pretty humid outside and inside. Some times hard
> to sleep at night.
> Here is a photo of the old homestead in 1989. My
> future brother in-law's Honda parked out front.
> Cheers.

Great story. Good memories. I moved here in 87 and lived over by the AT&T building in Oakton. Used to love driving down Random Hills Rd. It was like being in another world compared to the rest of the area at the time. Moved away for many years and was saddened when I returned to see all the townhouses, etc. Progress.....

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: August 23, 2020 10:20AM

Here is something you Falls Church kids might remember. From Ebay.
s-l1600 (14).jpg
s-l1600 (15).jpg

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: August 23, 2020 10:41AM

Baileys crossroads. Date unknown. Sunset drive-in lower left hand corner.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 23, 2020 11:11AM

Andy Ratlips Wrote:
> Here is something you Falls Church kids might
> remember. From Ebay.

Cool Andy, That was the INTERSTATE INN when we moved here in '67...spent the first night here, waiting for our moving truck. Had a Hot Shoppes next Door. I have a Postcard somewhere here.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 23, 2020 01:17PM

Well Ernest (), with the last name that starts with P. (That's not me, u know ... privacy ), well, can you tell me your last name?

Let us just blow privacy concerns out of the water.

I new most of all these characters you mentioned:

Gary Szabo, Bobby Kowalski, @Oakton Joe Schmidlen, @Robinson Dave Elliot, and a couple of more.

Just one question for you. Please don't take offense from this question. But did not Joe Schmidlen blow some of his fingers off his hand when constructing a pipe bomb,

or was it some other misfit you might recall.

And what was the "Villa"? Was it the "Chilla villa", because I used to go by that motel on my way to both Jermantown Elementary and Sydney Lanier.

Also, when I retired after 36 years with the "INTEL" community, I scanned in my 1972 Robinson High School yearbook, named "Above and Beyond".

Several years ago, I donated it as a PDF, on a thumb drive to, at that time, to the current communications department School teacher (a lady), as a gift. I hand delivered it to Robinson High.

Now there are several companies that pay money for those years books, so they can charge former students a royalty fee to get them.

Classmates.com is one of them. I knew that. So I purposely doctored my photo in the 1972 yearbook to see if anyone wanted to profit on my work.

Low and behold someone did. How about that! The only Ernest I found in the 1973 and 1972 yearbooks was only one name called Ernest in 1972 book.

Thank you Ernest () for your posts.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 23, 2020 01:28PM

Oh... one more thing Ernest(), photo of Joe Schmidlen (circled in red) in the 1972 Robinson High School year book. Thanks
Joe Schmidlen.jpg

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: A Wandering Minstrel Of Weed ()
Date: August 23, 2020 01:28PM

The long hair on top of the red VW bug

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Chilla Villa Fan ()
Date: August 23, 2020 01:39PM

And what was the "Villa"? Was it the "Chilla villa",

Fairfax Villa is the Villa , a overalls wearing shotgun toting bum named Big Boss Man DAJAX lived at the Chilla Villa when he was a state road guard making 2.50 an hour in the early 70s keeping weed smokes under control by looking the other way when they found a beer ,cigs and sometimes a weed reefer in the grass left by GF's as they were hacking away in the summer heat while he stayed in the shade as much as possible keeping the peace

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Members Of The 70's Mod Squad ()
Date: August 23, 2020 01:47PM

>1972 Robinson "High" School year book .

So many weed smokes in so little room, amazing picture ! Keep up the good "highs" , would you trade your time then for overalls a little badge and a 12 gauge 30 inch full choke double barrel shotgun . In The shade with NO WEED for 2.50 an hour ??

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: The Real Collegiate One ()
Date: August 23, 2020 01:49PM

The least suspected was the one with the humongous blunt and the GFs

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: We've Seen The Before Pic ()
Date: August 23, 2020 01:51PM

Now where's the after ??

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: August 23, 2020 02:37PM

Chilla Villa Fan Wrote:
> And what was the "Villa"? Was it the "Chilla

Here is a photo of the Chilla Villa Motel. It was posted here 7 years ago. It was located very near Jermantown Shell.

The Villa is a neighborhood in Fairfax City/Fairfax County where Villa Elementary is located.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: On The Right Side Of Rt 50 ()
Date: August 23, 2020 04:05PM

A flop Where DAJAX stayed and Foghorn Phil slowed it down before coming into Fairfax, Phil on the Jake Brake of the triple rear axel 15 speed road tractor pulling a low boy with $ Big Bill'$ dozer on it and DAJAX behind the wheel of a battered PU with bullet holes in the hood sometimes after a snort of cold brew at Green Dolphin in days of old

Foghorn Phil used to say all you need to be a real truck driver:

"Keep on trucking Bros, and remember you only need three things to be a real diesel heavy hauling truck driver.

1. Western Cowboy style Double Clutching Gear Jamming Boots
2. Three Speed hat
3. Chain Drive Wallet "

No Mod Squads Allowed Behind The Road Tractors Wheel ! !

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXy_-As-wb8 Dig It The 60's

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ernest ()
Date: August 23, 2020 04:11PM

Chilla Villa Fan is correct. Fairfax Villa. That is a great picture BTW. I recognize almost every face in it but didn't know them all. Malcolm Halderman, Mike Lawlor, Dennis Goodwin, David Bohler, Joe and maybe Rod Linares behind him but can't really tell from the pic, Scott Dulaney of Fairfax Hardware fame ( The guy behind Scott is I think Charles but don't really remember and Dawn Metcalf up front. Yes, Joe did do something stupid to blow part of his hand off. Not sure what ever happened to him. Haven't seen him in over 40 years. Are you by chance in that picture? Ha! Robinson was definitely a 'high' school back in the day but so were all the others at that time.

Ernest is my middle name. Clem Poston is the rest of it.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 23, 2020 08:29PM

Clem, I know you now, and I did know you from the other schools as well. Do I have your permission to post your picture from the 1972 Robinson High School year book, and some of thoughts in text about my time at the school? Great to hear from you! You know, privacy.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: ythwv ()
Date: August 23, 2020 08:56PM

damien Wrote:
> Clem, I know you now, and I did know you from the
> other schools as well. Do I have your permission
> to post your picture from the 1972 Robinson High
> School year book, and some of thoughts in text
> about my time at the school? Great to hear from
> you! You know, privacy.

He has a Facebook page. Why don't you just reach out to him there instead of continuing your conversation here?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: "Hello Ginsu Knives On TV" ()
Date: August 23, 2020 09:30PM

My name is Clem E Poston I want the biggest set you have , 100 sets of them shipped to Mr. Miz ...LOL

My Name is Norm Stratton , I live in Great Falls in a fine house with with its own melting furnace for gold and silver items , I dress well and drive a Mercedes so you may think Im a stockbroker , my real initials are B. W. I know real diamonds from paste and real gold and silver jewelry that are high end and fit into my black bag

Bored , Jus having some fun DAJAX

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ill Take Four Buttons Big Belt ()
Date: August 23, 2020 09:41PM

In the black center of pic with the long hair , nice eyes and sly look, XAJAD The Mrs is watching and she's still a hottie keeper hard to explain Im jus jokin , If she catches me, "Im f.. if she cant take a joke" , I best get my old T shirt out with that on it I wear to court

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: I hope you understand ()
Date: August 23, 2020 09:50PM

To all who may read this -

To use real, actual names on this forum is not suggested, and in fact it is un-safe.

If you choose to reveal your identity,that is your choice, which is foolish at best. If you choose to post photos and identities of unsuspecting persons without their permission, you may be placing them in peril, and opening yourself up to legal action.

Friendly advise.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: twvpt ()
Date: August 23, 2020 09:50PM

Ill Take Four Buttons Big Belt Wrote:
> In the black center of pic with the long hair ,
> nice eyes and sly look, XAJAD The Mrs is watching
> and she's still a hottie keeper hard to explain Im
> jus jokin , If she catches me, "Im f.. if she
> cant take a joke" , I best get my old T shirt out
> with that on it I wear to court

The one to her right looks like she just stepped out of the Victorian Era. Very strange.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Ill Take Her Two ()
Date: August 23, 2020 10:31PM

A nice pair ,but still need the after pics that was 48 years back

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Bill Gates ()
Date: August 24, 2020 04:16AM

"To use real, actual names on this forum is not suggested, and in fact it is un-safe.

If you choose to reveal your identity,that is your choice, which is foolish at best. If you choose to post photos and identities of unsuspecting persons without their permission, you may be placing them in peril, and opening yourself up to legal action."

Unsafe? Do you mean differently then say the internet in general? So Facebook for example is not only unsafe but dangerous? All the millions if not hundreds of millions of pictures and names online through out the internet put people in peril?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: August 24, 2020 07:48AM

The Hunter motel in Newington. Date unknown.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Western Fairfax ()
Date: August 24, 2020 08:34AM

Bill Gates Wrote:
> Unsafe? Do you mean differently then say the
> internet in general? So Facebook for example is
> not only unsafe but dangerous? All the millions if
> not hundreds of millions of pictures and names
> online through out the internet put people in
> peril?

The Government Agency I work for would have you believe that. There are old school people that still do not have computers at home because they have been conditioned to believe that nothing good can come from having a computer and going onto the big bad world wide web. It is actually humurous. Just look at "Damien's" posts. He is skirting the line, trying to say as much as possible without saying anything about himself. He probably unplugs his computer and hides it in a closet for a couple of hours after each post to make sure nobody is tracking it back to him. He is one of them, but since he is retired he has decided he can venture out a little.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Do Essh Or Miz ()
Date: August 24, 2020 10:43AM

Go on Facebook ?? LOL

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 24, 2020 03:04PM

Heck, providing publicly available information in this forum is not a crime. Maybe a bit INDISCREET, sure . . .

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 24, 2020 03:58PM

Well, thank you ythwv () for letting me know that the gentleman has a Facebook account. But what if I don't have a Facebook account and never ever will.
Love the folks in this forum, they are so very helpful.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 24, 2020 04:46PM

Sorry, but you left out one pertinent fact, in your analysis, professor. You forgot about my heavily armed security guards, that surround and guard me in my domicile. I have a lot to contribute and don't want to check any time soon.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Western Fairfax ()
Date: August 24, 2020 04:57PM

damien Wrote:
> Sorry, but you left out one pertinent fact, in
> your analysis, professor. You forgot about my
> heavily armed security guards, that surround and
> guard me in my domicile. I have a lot to
> contribute and don't want to check any time soon.

Do you have two black dobermans named Zeus and Apollo? Because if you do, I want to meet you. Oh, and are you hiring?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 24, 2020 05:05PM

How bout something crazy...like a pic...throwback Monday...my favorite magic weather sign!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: That be da Ross ()
Date: August 24, 2020 05:11PM

Dress fo less nigga

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 24, 2020 06:39PM

Well Western Fairfax () , you must be clairvoyant! Yes, I do have 2 dogs living in our domicile. But I can not reveal their breed (both the same), nor there vital measurments (except for weight) or their names. But thanks for asking. Would not like to breach their privacy rights.
The smallest (12 pounds) can be very protective and vicious at times. So, I've been considering firing some folks, instead of hiring folks. Thanks for the offer.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2020 01:55AM by damien.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 24, 2020 11:24PM

Quote: "but since he is retired he has decided he can venture out a little." Well hell NO! In this covid environment I only venture out to walk my dogs!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 25, 2020 01:24AM

This was the real "mod squad" and you don't even come close.


Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 25, 2020 02:18AM

I used to stop by there and buy some Jamaican cigars (Royal Jamaican, petite coronas, box of 25, awesome) at the tobacco shop. I think in the 1980's the shop was a Georgetown Tobacco or John B. Hayes shop. Not far from them was Washington Electronics, a high fidelity Stereo store for music equipment on Patrick Henry Drive.

Purchased the first CD portable player ever, the SONY CD WALKMAN for $300.00 in 1985.

On second thought the CD player was purchase at Myer Emco near by.

Man, those were the days.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2020 01:39PM by damien.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: August 25, 2020 11:20AM

Not sure if this has been posted before. Hunter motel Newington Virginia.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: You Mean Out Toward Clifton ()
Date: August 25, 2020 01:12PM

>"You forgot about my heavily armed security guards, that surround and guard me in my domicile.

The gated mansion with the sign on the gate " If You Can Read This Your In Range "

So your DAJAX huh ! Or Gunlover Or maybe your name rhymes with gas and has something to do with it

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: August 26, 2020 07:06AM

Found this video of a family vacation in 1959. The Arlington historical society put it up on youtube. It has footage of Bernie's pony ring and Glen Echo park and lots of other cool stuff.


Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Fran Conia ()
Date: August 27, 2020 08:32AM

I am gonna cheat a little and take us down to Dumfries in 1971. Looks like a color slide image, good old Ektachrome!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: ju6n6 ()
Date: August 27, 2020 08:45AM

Fran Conia Wrote:
> I am gonna cheat a little and take us down to
> Dumfries in 1971. Looks like a color slide image,
> good old Ektachrome!

Ha! A two door car, with trailer mirrors, pulling a full sized Airstream. That is awesome. Try that with a car today!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: billy barrooo ()
Date: August 27, 2020 10:49AM

Is that "car" actually a pickup truck?

I mean, look how big that dam trunk is, makes me think it is the bed of a pickup, that, and the fact that it is two doors.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 27, 2020 11:02AM

billy barrooo Wrote:
> Is that "car" actually a pickup truck?
> I mean, look how big that dam trunk is, makes me
> think it is the bed of a pickup, that, and the
> fact that it is two doors.

1971 Cadillac Coupe Deville...American Iron! 472 Cubic Inch Motor!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: August 27, 2020 11:10AM

Fran Conia Wrote:
> I am gonna cheat a little and take us down to
> Dumfries in 1971. Looks like a color slide image,
> good old Ektachrome!

Great photo Fran !

The car pulling the Airstream is a 1968 Cadillac Coupe de Ville

The car came equipped with a 472 CID V-8 engine that produced 375 HP and 525 foot lb of torque. To get the most out of the power plant it would be best to fill er up with "Hi Test" because the compression ratio was 10.5 to 1

Plenty to pull that trailer up a mountain.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 27, 2020 11:21AM

Correct Old Iron...didn't pay attention to the grille...I should have known as I had a '68 Convertible...duhhhh

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GBW ()
Date: August 27, 2020 11:27AM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> Correct Old Iron...didn't pay attention to the
> grille...I should have known as I had a '68
> Convertible...duhhhh

Did you parallel park that pig? Hahahahaha!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 27, 2020 11:41AM

lol...very carefully...19ft long and 4800 lbs

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: August 27, 2020 12:10PM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> Correct Old Iron...didn't pay attention to the
> grille...I should have known as I had a '68
> Convertible...duhhhh

Dad was with GM back in the 1950's thru the late 1970's. Although he was involved was with gov't contract issues, and was his office was in Northern Virginia, he got all of the cool GM swag for me and my brother. That included all of the GM model info and tons of pics.

Wish I had that stuff today as it is worth money to collectors.

He never understood my love for Mopars.....Sorry Dad
images (4).jpg

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: millennial197 ()
Date: August 27, 2020 02:04PM

I’ve grown fond of latest Kia and Hyundai automobiles. Well built with high consumer ratings for build quality.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Madison’95 ()
Date: August 27, 2020 02:09PM

millennial197 Wrote:
> I’ve grown fond of latest Kia and Hyundai
> automobiles. Well built with high consumer
> ratings for build quality.

Much more fuel efficient engines, too.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: fairfax fred ()
Date: August 27, 2020 03:14PM

Sleepy Holla Wrote:
> lol...very carefully...19ft long and 4800 lbs

Okay so the car was 19 feet long and that trailer was probably 24 feet long and it looks like there is at least 3 feet between the car and the frailer. Imagine merging onto the interstate with 46 feet of vehicle! Might as well be driving a tractor-trailer! And I love those old Holiday inn flashing signs. There is a fully functional Holiday inn sign on display at the American sign museum in Ohio.
Great picture!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: 4yevc ()
Date: August 27, 2020 03:16PM

millennial197 Wrote:
> I’ve grown fond of latest Kia and Hyundai
> automobiles. Well built with high consumer
> ratings for build quality.

I know someone who's Hyundai just had their engine suffer a mechanical failure. According to the dealership, it is a known issue. There is a recall out on them. They are only replacing the parts that failed...not the entire engine! Fuck that.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 27, 2020 05:00PM

Nice post. I was watching it, and in the first few minutes, and had a flashback to the Kennedy assassination in November of 1963. The Abraham Zapruder film. My mind was racing and searching for the "Grassy Knoll" to identify, the assassins who assisted Lee Harvey Oswald, but alas, I could not see them. That kind of old photography film always triggers me. Sorry.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Leaf in the forest ()
Date: August 27, 2020 05:14PM

damien Wrote:
> Nice post. I was watching it, and in the first
> few minutes, and had a flashback to the Kennedy
> assassination in November of 1963. The Abraham
> Zapruder film. My mind was racing and searching
> for the "Grassy Knoll" to identify, the assassins
> who assisted Lee Harvey Oswald, but alas, I could
> not see them. That kind of old photography film
> always triggers me. Sorry.

Sure, because the people that took out Kennedy were going to be stupid enough to put themselves in a position to be photographed. I thought you said you spent your career in "intel"?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 27, 2020 05:26PM

Stealth technology. Every heard of it. These folks were very advanced. Nice know that there are multiple forum users following posts, or "BOTS", what every.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 27, 2020 05:45PM

@Fairfax fred...great photo of "The Great Sign" as HI referred to it as...it was a highway beacon. Thanks.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Wally Byam ()
Date: August 27, 2020 07:00PM

He was a member of my "Wally Byam Airstream Caravan" DAJAX wanted to join but they did not allow riff raff in home made plywood trailers pulled by beater late 50's pickups spewing smoke with bullet holes in the hood . DAJAX The Jew thought it would have been great to travel through Germany and drink German beer and flirt with blue eyed German girls till he got one here ! Ja. Those old Caddys Buick Electra Jew Canoes with 425 plus cubic inch Detroit Iron engines and high speed 2:56 axels could still pull a Airstream up California's Grapevine and keep up at 55 MPH with the four barrels fully kicked in to show up the Chevys and Ford owners who was the BIG BOSS MAN Of GRAPEVINE Sans trailers those big blocks could keep rolling at 70 mph in the far left hi speed lane getting a solid 6 mpg up the hill climb

Since Im a Jew I can call those Jew Canoes anything you would have called them anyway

>Ha! A two door car, with trailer mirrors, pulling a full sized Airstream.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: The Great Sign ?? ()
Date: August 27, 2020 07:02PM

>great photo of "The Great Sign"

Like the runaway truck ramp sign ?? Leading to a sand ramp that goes uphill

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: GBW ()
Date: August 27, 2020 07:48PM

The Great Sign ?? Wrote:
> >great photo of "The Great Sign"
> Like the runaway truck ramp sign ?? Leading to a
> sand ramp that goes uphill

I've only ever seen a truck do it once and I bet he needed to change his drawers after that was over! Ridgway Pennsylvania. That hill into town is tough for cars.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: I Love Holiday Inns ()
Date: August 27, 2020 11:42PM

They have a cocktail lounge where I can fill my tank and there's always lounge lizards hanging out to drain my spout

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: sunnah ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:29AM

I just wanted to thank everyone for participating on this thread. I enjoy looking at these historic pictures. I have been in the same area since 1977. I really enjoy the urban archeologist perspective and am very interested in visiting old sites and discovering. I live near the Lorton prison and this place is full of things. I usually go mountain biking and discover unused paths. It is unfortunate that a lot of the areas are blocked off by the government. There is a lot of untraveled land that is not accessible without getting shot or arrested by the military. Too bad.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2020 12:30AM by sunnah.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: dumfrieskid ()
Date: August 28, 2020 06:55AM

Fran Conia Wrote:
> I am gonna cheat a little and take us down to
> Dumfries in 1971. Looks like a color slide image,
> good old Ektachrome!

Actually not downtown Dumpies. The HI was on the interstate. I was a busboy in the the Holiday House Rest.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 07:53AM

This photo brings back memories of 1978. I was living in a town home close to George Mason University, off of university Drive. There were 3 George Mason Students lodging, going to Mason, and me, a full time employee working for uncle Sam (a part time student).
One of the dudes, going to George Mason was "David S.," His father was the a son of founder of Mars M&M Candy company, whose family lived in Great Falls, Virginia.
Another one was named Robert "Dalz . . .", his family roots were from Richmond VA.
The third person was Geoffrey "McLaugh. . . ", whose parents lived on Route 1, just north of the I-95 interstate exit to Dumfries.

I once visited Geoffrey's home on Route 1 and his father had in their garage a black vintage 1956 Ford Thunderbird hard top. The interior was immaculate, the exterior, no dents or chipped paint. Show room new. What a sight to see.
The father would take the car out for events and parades around the Dumfries area. Wow. If I only had a family at the time with money to help me, I would have purchased that Ford.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2020 07:57AM by damien.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: u9ndt ()
Date: August 28, 2020 08:01AM

damien Wrote:
> One of the dudes, going to George Mason was "David
> S.," His father was the a son of founder of Mars
> M&M Candy company, whose family lived in Great
> Falls, Virginia.

Why in the hell would the child of one of the wealthiest families go to George Mason and live in a shared townhouse? Not saying it didn't happen, but that is rather strange. He could have gone to school anywhere he wanted.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Stepback ()
Date: August 28, 2020 08:03AM

Old Iron Wrote:
> Fran Conia Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am gonna cheat a little and take us down to
> > Dumfries in 1971. Looks like a color slide
> image,
> > good old Ektachrome!
> Great photo Fran !
> The car pulling the Airstream is a 1968 Cadillac
> Coupe de Ville
> The car came equipped with a 472 CID V-8 engine
> that produced 375 HP and 525 foot lb of torque. To
> get the most out of the power plant it would be
> best to fill er up with "Hi Test" because the
> compression ratio was 10.5 to 1
> Plenty to pull that trailer up a mountain.

I love that picture. Reminds me of the movie, The Long Long trailer.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 08:20AM

Dude, I just try to be straight up with everyone in this forum, which get's me in a little trouble at times. But kid you not, or anyone else. Great question. The M&M kid was not living their much for a education. He had a girlfriend who was really a site to see like the Ford.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: rather strange ()
Date: August 28, 2020 09:09AM

u9ndt Wrote:
> damien Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > One of the dudes, going to George Mason was
> "David
> > S.," His father was the a son of founder of
> Mars
> > M&M Candy company, whose family lived in Great
> > Falls, Virginia.
> Why in the hell would the child of one of the
> wealthiest families go to George Mason and live in
> a shared townhouse? Not saying it didn't happen,
> but that is rather strange. He could have gone to
> school anywhere he wanted.

Suspect that damien and sunnah are the same person

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 09:20AM

I'm not a "Suspect", and I really don't care. Ok.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Andy Ratlips ()
Date: August 28, 2020 10:23AM

How about some old pictures?

Kamp Washington Super Giant date unknown.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: sunnah ()
Date: August 28, 2020 10:27AM

@rather strange,
That is a rather strange thing to say? Why would you even think that?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:19AM

Andy, question for you.

Is this the same Lee High School which the school board in Fairfax County, on July 23, 2020, Virginia, voted to rename after the congressman, who died this month? The new name, John R. Lewis High School, takes effect this school year.

Just remember, when the Covid crisis is over, to raise your arm and fist to the BLM activist's mantra, or they will harass you, scream and yell at you, and intimidate you, at your favorite restaurant of choice.

Hell, last night (08/27/2020) they chased down Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, while he was leaving the White House and threatened to kill him and his wife, if he and she did not say a phrase they wanted him too.

God Bless America.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:23AM

Thank Andy...Great Pic...reminds me of the one in Annandale. Yes, This thread is about pics!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: tcexx ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:26AM

damien Wrote:
> Dude, I just try to be straight up with everyone
> in this forum, which get's me in a little trouble
> at times. But kid you not, or anyone else. Great
> question. The M&M kid was not living their much
> for a education. He had a girlfriend who was
> really a site to see like the Ford.

"The M&M kid"

That is hilarious.... Did you all have bowels of candy all over the house?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Justathought ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:29AM

damien Wrote:
> Dude, I just try to be straight up with everyone
> in this forum, which get's me in a little trouble
> at times. But kid you not, or anyone else. Great
> question. The M&M kid was not living their much
> for a education. He had a girlfriend who was
> really a site to see like the Ford.

For this thread, my tactic is to ignore all unrelated BS posts and stay focused on posts sticking to the subject. It’s the only way to keep the trash to a minimum.

Fair warning: never share names or identities.

Thx for your contributions.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:32AM

No candy, but a lot of sex, drugs and Rock n' Roll between classes. I myself was only interested in the Music, via LP's.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:37AM

Please if you wish, you can delete my ID and posts, I will not shed one tear if you do. I just try to answer questions posed to me my via posts. Ok?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:08PM

So my post was BS Post? Really, who the hell do you think your are?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Class of 71 ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:09PM

The first photo was taken in 1903 and posted on July 28th , then in early part of this month this happened as seen in the second photo.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:20PM

This database has a section concerning - Arrest/Ticket Search For Fairfax County Virginia.

Peoples names and legal infractions, and you lecturing me about peoples identities?

Talk about hypocrisy!

Thats BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:41PM

This picture's description is not accurate. I used to ride my bicycle up to the Giant at Kamp Washington in mid 1960's and the Robertson's "5 and Dime" store was on the right side of the Giant Food Store, in this photo. Not on the left.

Please set me straight if you can.

Ok, still trying figure this one out. My first statement may may be wrong.

But I remember on the far right side of the building, to the westward side heading down route 50, there was a Kinney Shoes Store, a Barber's Shop, and at the end, a PIZZA shop that became named PIZZA RAMA.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2020 12:55PM by damien.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Because Because Pal Relax ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:47PM

>Why in the hell would the child of one of the wealthiest families go to George Mason and live in a shared townhouse? Not saying it didn't happen, but that is rather strange. He could have gone to school anywhere he wanted.

Mars HQ was in McLean in a non descript building . Mr Mars the family patriarch lived openly and secretly . Im not telling you where , he could have been the guy next to you at the International Safeway or Giant in McLean buying candy bars and hot dogs for a microwave lunch if your that old , the candy as a product spot check and the hot dogs because like me he wanted something cheap as he may be in the old J.I.B getting some of those greasy Jack tacos like me as well as Arthur Teachers. Why invest in one ?? Because like the mountain it was already there!

DAJAX The Secret Police Policia Secreta Knew Where He Lived ! Their not telling !

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Your meds will set you straight ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:52PM

Damien, It's going to be o.k. It sounds like you need get a ride to the the CVS and pick up your prescription of Fanapt.
images (9).jpg

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 12:58PM

No actually, all I need is top shelf Gin, Vodka and Bourbon and Wiskey. Which I pay a highly inflated price for living in Northern Virginia. But thanks for the advice, which I will ignore.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 28, 2020 01:05PM

How about a pic...crazy, someone actually writing a note...not texting :)

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 01:13PM

Thank you for that! I did once meet Davis S.'s parents at our place at George Mason University townhome. His father's face now reminds me of a cross between Ross Perot and the founder of the Marriott chain of hotels. David the son, walked off with some of my record collection, including Tom Petty and the Hearbreakers debut, some other Prog Rock records, like Led Zepplin and Yes. Oh, well, David was a nice little rascal, but I knew never to trust him and in any future endeavor. Cheers.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 01:31PM

Well, while you are at it, please post your favorite Howard Johnson's image from fairfax!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Sleepy Holla ()
Date: August 28, 2020 03:12PM

damien Wrote:
> Well, while you are at it, please post your
> favorite Howard Johnson's image from fairfax!

Yes, I have some great ones but I'll pass today.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: kxmbm ()
Date: August 28, 2020 03:59PM

Because Because Pal Relax Wrote:
> >Why in the hell would the child of one of the
> wealthiest families go to George Mason and live in
> a shared townhouse? Not saying it didn't happen,
> but that is rather strange. He could have gone to
> school anywhere he wanted.
> Mars HQ was in McLean in a non descript building .
> Mr Mars the family patriarch lived openly and
> secretly . Im not telling you where , he could
> have been the guy next to you at the International
> Safeway or Giant in McLean buying candy bars and
> hot dogs for a microwave lunch if your that old ,
> the candy as a product spot check and the hot dogs
> because like me he wanted something cheap as he
> may be in the old J.I.B getting some of those
> greasy Jack tacos like me as well as Arthur
> Teachers. Why invest in one ?? Because like the
> mountain it was already there!
> DAJAX The Secret Police Policia Secreta
> Knew Where He Lived ! Their not telling !

Mars headquarters is still in Mclean. I know exactly where it is. And I know where she lives. Thanks though.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 08:30PM

That's nice. How about sending some flowers to her, for her birthday or Mother's day! What a nice person your are kxmbm ().

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 08:56PM

On second thought. This question for you:

Dear "Your meds will set you straight ()"

Please forgive me for asking , but when you need to take your meds, do you take them rectally or orally?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: XHVEU ()
Date: August 28, 2020 09:01PM

Goodbye Damien. Why don't you go play with Actual JP Morgenthau on his thread? Psycho.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 09:18PM

Goodbye, where the hell am I going dude?

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: What's Up Pal ()
Date: August 28, 2020 10:02PM

Damien , I gots to ask you a question , did you ever run for Mayor of the City of Alexandria ?? Jus wondering . I don't know why but some on FXU think I did but I was jus funnin. Now have you gots any old pics of NOVA as some think we have found them all but I know we haven't . I digging for picture gold right now . Your pal DAJAX

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien2 ()
Date: August 28, 2020 10:33PM

damien Wrote:
> Goodbye, where the hell am I going dude?

To the psych ward is where you're going damien, However, just keep drinking the top shelf liquor, damien. It's good for you. Drink all day, morning, noon and night. It will keep you sane. I bet you can't hold your liquor very well though.
damien probably just drinks cheap bottom rails like Ancient Age or Old Grandad, Aristocrat and such; doubtful there's bottle of Pappy Van Winkle on damien's shelf.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:19PM

Dude, you are so "educated" in the art and science of alcohol consumption!

But unfortunately, you don't have "lick" of common sense. Please, keep living your judgmental life, you deserve to and live it as long as you can on ice tea.

Amen brother!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 28, 2020 11:50PM

Regarding "Damien , I gots to ask you a question , did you ever run for Mayor of the City of Alexandria ?? Jus wondering . I don't know why but some on FXU think I did but I was jus funnin. Now have you gots any old pics of NOVA as some think we have found them all but I know we haven't . I digging for picture gold right now . Your pal DAJAX'

Well, I personally think your question is demeaning in a way that is trying to provoke me into playing your bigoted and racist game. Go fuck your self!

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old picture fan ()
Date: August 29, 2020 08:05AM

'Damien' is 'Actual JP Morgenthau'. He is intent on ruining this thread like he did the other one. DO NOT ENGAGE him in conversation of any form if you want this thread to stay alive.

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: damien ()
Date: August 29, 2020 08:45AM

If u want to engage me in this forum, please post an image, like "Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!" Hell, it don't really have to do with anything about Fairfax. I'm just responding to folks who pose a question to me, you purest and "Soup Nazi".

Re: Old pictures of Fairfax county, love em!
Posted by: Old Iron ()
Date: August 29, 2020 10:12AM

A great photo of some old iron in Fairfax City

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