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Re: Thomas Lloyd of Bubba's Exotic Motorsports and Bubba's East Coast Rods and Customs
Posted by: Tyttt ()
Date: May 23, 2017 06:02PM

Maybe Tom is dumber than he looks.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Mot Sabbub ()
Date: June 11, 2017 06:07PM

Thanks for your business, Fairfax suckers!!

Loving Life in Lavish Jupiter FLA!!!

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: ChooseWisely ()
Date: June 11, 2017 06:15PM

Same criminal activity going on in Jupiter location.
A one star Yelp review, comments exactly as they were in Fairfax. Same scams and cons. Jail will be forthcoming.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Tommy Knocker ()
Date: June 11, 2017 11:36PM

This looks a whole lot like Fake News?

Would like to know what the Jupiter customers think of Tom's new Enterprise Bubbas Exotic Motorsports. Guess other than these reviews we shall never know. Perhaps just let it rest now that thy can do no further damage here in Fairfax.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Locklloydeup ()
Date: July 03, 2017 10:50AM

Tom you're really a moron and nothing more then a con man and criminal who will get what he's got coming to him . Fuckin fool . Rebranding what a joke trying to out run your past . TV show ? You're to fuckin ugly to be seen anywhere . And stop trying to sound like you have a brain. You do not . Here's another thing genius takining a plea deal don't mean you did not commit a crime you stupid moron. I think I speak for everyone when I say we can't wait to see you locked up takin it all the way up your ass . And it's coming your way all your attorneys in the world even the attorneys car you fucked can't stop what's headed your way . Pathetic excuse for a human being . Cya later ass licker piece of shit . Jail is headed your way and sooner then you think genius . And we all can't wait . Did you pay back the widow you stole from or was that another miss understanding? Fuckin fool . Go suck another so-called celebrities dick and practice bitch that's where you're headed . Lock Lloyd up .

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: jokerjokes ()
Date: July 03, 2017 03:44PM

He and his son tried screwing the same woman - father/son bonding

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Former Down And Out ()
Date: July 22, 2017 10:52PM

Haha I love these posts,proof that being an utter Nigger has nothing to do with skin color. The fact that he spends more time trying to do damage control over all the negative posts and reviews than he does working on cars speaks volumes. Stop trying to justify and defend yourself Tom,you're only confirming what utter buffoons you and your son are,srsly.

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Posted by: Honna Bowen ()
Date: October 24, 2017 03:46PM

DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH TOM LLOYD OR HIS ORGANIZATION. He has had our FERRARI for OVER A YEAR -- to do a "paint job" and he's STILL NOT FINISHED..and won't tell us where our car is or it's status. HE PERSONALLY made an appointment for us to see the car tomorrow knowing full well he is in Las Vegas all week.....he doesn't return calls..he lies and I wish to hell I had seen the information on him beforehand.. the next stop is the Sheriff's Dept... no car/no picture/no communications = stolen vehicle...YOU ARE WARNED THEY ARE FRAUDS.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Mot Sabbub ()
Date: November 01, 2017 02:28AM

This is a totally fictitious account as the Lloyds no longer do Business here in Fairfax County! Guess the Haters still gonna Hate this successful duo Tom and Master Custom Auto Builder Bubba now responsible for "Sick" BEM Bubbas Exotic Motorsports kicking serious ass down in beautiful Jupiter, Florida.

Still Doing It Bubba Style (but now in Florida!)!

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: dsxbu ()
Date: November 02, 2017 07:07AM

Nobody gives a shit about Bubba. It's history. Get over it.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: FreeMoney ()
Date: December 11, 2017 10:27AM

The app "GetUpside" will give you cash back when you buy gas. In the app you claim the gas station, then you upload a photo of your receipt. No catch, no scam, I'm using it and got some friends and family on it.

Some stations do like 10 cents others do as high as 25 cents.. AND you can get an extra 20c on your first fill up when you sign up with code HGWM5

It also gives you credit to the gas station, which is further incentive. So if you get a tire rotation or buy something in the store, you will receive cash back from those purchases as well.

Spread the word, spread the code, and lets get more participating gas stations! This kind of thing will add up over time so be patient.

Download the app here.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: FXCcityguy ()
Date: April 08, 2018 04:29AM

Bubba was a 19 year old boy who was a fabricator???? Umm not too sure about that one. Tom was just a crook, the end. They are done in the City. Gone!!! Every location they were in in the city is history. The structures are gone. So lets move the fuck on with life.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Nafaton ()
Date: April 09, 2018 09:15PM

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Asking for trouble ()
Date: April 17, 2018 11:29AM

Asked this before. What reputable auto shop is going to require that its customers prepay for work performed on their cars?

I can see requiring prepayment for expensive parts that are purchased from third parties. Otherwise the shop is holding the customers' cars and can always sell them to cover unpaid work. The only reasons would be that the costs of the work would greatly exceed the value of the car, or that the auto shop was using customers deposits to fund expenses unrelated to the customer's job. Either reason should be a warning sign to customers to go elsewhere.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: April 26, 2018 08:20AM

Asking for trouble Wrote:
> Asked this before. What reputable auto shop is
> going to require that its customers prepay for
> work performed on their cars?

Now see? That word up there, reputable. It has no place in this thread.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Helen ()
Date: August 02, 2018 03:02PM

He’s looking at some REAL and long hard time in jail now. He did the same to people in Florida of course, and police investigators now have him on tax evasion as well as fraud.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Helen ()
Date: August 02, 2018 03:07PM

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Tommy Knocker ()
Date: January 17, 2019 07:48PM

Bubba's Exotic Motorsports: Jupiter auto shop at center of criminal investigation


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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Tommy Knocker ()
Date: January 17, 2019 08:01PM

Jupiter police arrest man accused of scamming owners of antique car


Jupiter police have arrested a Palm Beach Gardens man after nearly a dozen classic car owners said they were ripped off.
Thomas Lloyd, 57, faces charges of fraud of $50,000 or more and money laundering transaction $100,000 or more.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Lloyd ran Bubba’s East Coast Rods and Customs.
Since 2017, at least 10 people have come forward and told police they gave Lloyd tens of thousands of dollars to do work on their cars, the report said.
The victims said the work was either never done as promised or it wasn’t done right.
Police said the total amount stolen from the victims is more than $281,000.
Lloyd now runs Bubba’s Exotic Motorsports in Lake Park.
He has bonded out of jail.
Lloyd did not want to talk on- or off- camera today about the allegations.
WPBF 25 spoke with Lloyd’s attorney, Brian Pakett, by phone.
He said Lloyd will be entering a plea of not guilty and his intentions with his customers were always good.
“For every customer that my client had that had somebody that was upset with his work and was upset with the lack of work that he did, I can show you two more customers that were extremely happy with my client and in fact are repeat customers," Pakett said.
Pakett said Lloyd always intended on working on people’s cars and did the work on the majority of them.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Tom and bubba are cuntz ()
Date: July 20, 2019 12:10PM

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Tomasthefartblossom ()
Date: May 27, 2020 09:41PM

Tom has promised Bubba no more fraudulent classic car scams. They are actually going to practice at sanding cars and changing oil and going to actual not rob little old ladies. And they can each make $24k per year.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: david goggins ()
Date: May 29, 2020 03:09PM

I think these two stooges have gone OUT OF BUSNESS IN FLORIDA. They moved to lake park FL. they lasted about 8 months there. I think the baseball player Mr. Morrison drove the final nail in the bubba box. Its a shame because these two guys had a good game plan but forgot HONESTY and actually doing the work is needed. the obsession with being on TV and FAMOUS got the best of both of them. I hope Bubba learns to lead not follow !!!!!!!!

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: mach 1 pro touring ()
Date: June 17, 2020 04:32PM

Coming to you LIVE!! from inside the main common area at Florida STATE PRISON!! IM Tom and the master bubba will be joining me in a few months. Today were going to be talking about turbo charging the prison library kart so you guys can learn how not to end up in here!!!!!!!

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: mach 1 pro touring ()
Date: June 24, 2020 10:41AM

well tom has been in jail since feb 2020. he was sentence june 23rd to one year in jail. five months suspended for the time hes been in there.its not over yet, this is just the parole violation charge. he still has a few more charges against him coming up. what a sad ending !!!!

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Remazol ()
Date: June 24, 2020 02:27PM

Here ya go (the site would not let me post the link)

By Eliot Kleinberg
Posted Jun 23, 2020 at 3:42 PM

Tom Got popped for $92K in collected but not paid sales tax.

More Jail Time !!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2020 02:29PM by Remazol.

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Tom Lloyd is in prison ()
Date: August 12, 2020 12:04AM

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Re: bubbas east coast customs
Posted by: Moses Noses ()
Date: January 02, 2021 01:15AM

Are these guys faggots? They sound like jealous faggot ex-lovers. Which one takes it in the ass the most?

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